Man, the last 2+ weeks have whizzed by. Between traveling, illness, freelance, illness, packing and preparing to relocate (again)—and ILLNESS, I've hardly had time to do the things I like best, one of which is blog for my favorite people. That's you all. You complete me, and you know it, don't you?
This chest cold or flu, or whatever the hell it is, makes me cranky. It's slashed my life-is-worth-living determination with a thousand little daggers of misery. Anyway . . .
Life transitions are so funny. Not ha-ha funny, cuz if that were the case, I'd be laughing a lot more. My serotonin levels would be through the roof, and floating across the room instead of dragging ass would be the norm. No, I mean funny as in odd or even fickle. Life transitions (like packing up and moving all by yourself) are easy to make when the conditions are ripe and juicy, but so much harder to swallow when your alternatives are limited. With the latter, your attitude makes all the difference. I've been all over the map with attitude the last month. The Florida and Texas maps. Only making a decision on whether to stay or go can set me free.
I love Central Florida, but it has such a depressed economy, I don't know how people make ends meet. Not only are jobs few and far between, the available ones offer pittance for pay. No wonder people struggle more here than most places in the country. Plus, as a Bible belt, it's dominated by ultra conservatives, and unless I'm willing to convert on both counts, I'll continue to feel frowned upon. Oh, the life of an Independent heathen in a Faux News stronghold! My eyes have never rolled more often.
Though the precarious job situation has been tough on me, from a writer's perspective, I've accomplished a lot of what I came to Florida to do. It's just not sustainable right now. Maybe one day . . . So, it's back to Austin for me, y'all. And now that I've decided, I'm optimistic about the future again!
But I could use some antibiotics.
Just don’t be a dick
3 days ago