Man, the last 2+ weeks have whizzed by. Between traveling, illness, freelance, illness, packing and preparing to relocate (again)—and ILLNESS, I've hardly had time to do the things I like best, one of which is blog for my favorite people. That's you all. You complete me, and you know it, don't you?
This chest cold or flu, or whatever the hell it is, makes me cranky. It's slashed my life-is-worth-living determination with a thousand little daggers of misery. Anyway . . .
Life transitions are so funny. Not ha-ha funny, cuz if that were the case, I'd be laughing a lot more. My serotonin levels would be through the roof, and floating across the room instead of dragging ass would be the norm. No, I mean funny as in odd or even fickle. Life transitions (like packing up and moving all by yourself) are easy to make when the conditions are ripe and juicy, but so much harder to swallow when your alternatives are limited. With the latter, your attitude makes all the difference. I've been all over the map with attitude the last month. The Florida and Texas maps. Only making a decision on whether to stay or go can set me free.
I love Central Florida, but it has such a depressed economy, I don't know how people make ends meet. Not only are jobs few and far between, the available ones offer pittance for pay. No wonder people struggle more here than most places in the country. Plus, as a Bible belt, it's dominated by ultra conservatives, and unless I'm willing to convert on both counts, I'll continue to feel frowned upon. Oh, the life of an Independent heathen in a Faux News stronghold! My eyes have never rolled more often.
Though the precarious job situation has been tough on me, from a writer's perspective, I've accomplished a lot of what I came to Florida to do. It's just not sustainable right now. Maybe one day . . . So, it's back to Austin for me, y'all. And now that I've decided, I'm optimistic about the future again!
But I could use some antibiotics.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
Being sick makes everything harder and when you are trying to make life decisions it can almost put a person over the edge. A wise person knows when they've accomplished as much as they can and it's time to move on. Here's to optimism and new beginnings...if anyone can do it, it is you my friend! XX
Oh Babe, I'm sorry you are feeling punk. I've had a bug for about 3 weeks now. Post nasal stuff and cough.
I've heard Austin is great. We have friends who live there. You do have to go where you can make some money.
It'll be an adventure. Just try not to overdo too much when you are under the weather. And yeah, an antibiotic might help. I took one, and it improved slightly, but even slightly means something, right?
I feel like moving every second tuesday of the month. But where?
I have friends who just moved to Austin and they love it. It's a cool town, which you already know, so you'll be FINE.
(get a big house with an extra bedroom just in case you know, someone, maybe, might want to relocate to Austin)
One of the things I heard a lot in FL was how good it was back home.This was mainly snowbirds who were not sure where they wanted to be.My first time there i was in a store and remarked to a lady I figured oranges would be cheaper, and she picked up her purse and left.In Iowa you chat with anyone.
Austin is fun, I spent a few winters there.I am not sure if the economy is better anywhere. Many are returning to school to look at other things in life.I came close to staying there, but like my life of leisure, where it is cheap to live.Padre Island is sounding nice to beat the winter blues.
Glad to hear yoo are going back. You wanted to try something different and it wasn't what you were looking for, so the best thing is to acknowledge it and try again.
I thought you were very brave to attempt it in the first place. But I think you are just as brave to acknowledge it is not for you now and give it up.
See you there sometime.
Change makes for GREAT blog fodder, though. Sorry to hear you're sick. Stay optimistic--things always get better.
Florida has far fewer giant belt buckles than Texas - so I think you're making the right decision.
I love the bloggy soundtrack thing you have going here! Feel better, doll!
I thought this post was going to be about those Transitions sunglasses.
Anyway, I hope you figure out where you need to be! Times are tough.
Well, c'mon back home girl!
Glad you were able to make a decision, and I hope you shake this cold or whatever soon!
Ditto for Appalachia, where I live.
Hope you are feeling better soon and the move to Austin helps.
Being on airplanes exposed to everyone's shitty germs can't have helped. Do take a moment to check in with a doc. If it's bronchitis or some such you can get some relief.
My hat's off to you my friend. I couldn't even contemplate such a move once, much less twice. I've missed your voice and will look forward to when you settled in again and have more time.
Meanwhile, I'm wishing you all the best.
There's got to be a book in this... ;)
I don't do well with change!
God Bless!
Oh no. Im sorry you are feeling so sick. That's the worst, and it makes everything else in life practically unbearable. I REALLY hope you get well soon.
I've heard Austin is awesome. I think a change of venue will be just what you need. And I'm wishing you all the success in the world.
When are you making the actual move? I wish you happiness in the big change.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well and that you're leaving the area. I completely understand though. We've had a really rough couple of years and thankfully, it seems my husband's industry is picking up. (mine? not so much, but he's the primary). I wish you great success in Austin! and I really hope you feel better soon.
Are the antibiotics because you are sick, or because you are moving back to Austin, my dear? (heehee)
Seriously, hope you feel better soon, and best of luck with the move. I grok what you say, FL.
"I'll continue to feel frowned upon."
I find it interesting that a conservative Christian finds it "just" to frown upon anyone. That is a direct reflection of the frowner. . . not you honey!!!! I know you probably don't need that pep talk. However, for those of us who are REALLY working to spread the love of God, not the judgement of pharisees who call themselves christians, I thought it was worth saying it out loud.
"Oh, the life of an Independent heathen in a Faux News stronghold!"
And. . . I think God is especially fond of you. That's my two cents!
Good for you for making the decision that works for you! Go be happy and know that we have missed you terribly!!!!
Oh man. That thing going around has been nasty. I hate it that you got it. Having made a decision will hopefully free your mind. The thing about having no options socked me right in the stomach. More than anything, having few or no options is the thing that will make me cranky and miserable.
hope the change is good for you...but glad you were able to get done what you did...feel light
I have friends who bugged out of Florida for those reasons a couple years ago. They're thriving down in Australia, but wow - Florida is so beautiful. Oh man, now I want to go there again so bad.
I hope you have 10X the high from feeling better than you've had lows from being sick soon!
I have never been to Austin but I'd love to go someday
I hope that when you move there all your stank will blow away
Austin is a place where your creativity can go nuts
Maybe that is all you need instead of anti-bio-t(ucs) :)
Thank you
I'll be here all blog
Remember to tip your servers
Seriously, feel better
ouch. quadruple whammy. best to go before you ended up too far underwater to dig back out. here's to beating the damn chest cold. nasty, pesky things...
There's no place like Texas ;)
Since I've only just recovered from hospital and pnuemonia ..AND I'm kind of living between two houses two different areas ..the coast and the mountains, working and looking for another job in the other place. I completely understand exhausted and deranged!
Love you lots ....I turned 55 today ...I figure now is my turn and yours to live and have fun. xxx
Well shitfire.
I was BORN in El Paso.
But. umm.
I've never been back so you'll have to tell me what Texas is like.
Get here already!
But don't come if you're contagious.
Transitions are good!
When you change your change your destiny.
I heard that last week and have not been able to stop repeating it. We have the same crappy economy here and sometimes not staying still for it is the only answer.
I'm sure you'll find the adventure and more in Austin girl! Good for you!!!
Good fortunes in Austin. Texas has always been good to me.
Our old dog has bad teeth, so the doc gives us a steady supply of Clavamox to keep his teeth from giving him congestive heart failure or whatever. I just pop a few of those when I get the creepin' crud. Clears me out. You need an old dog with bad teeth is what I'm saying.
Oh, I know. about Ocala. My family has a farm there, and not good times.
How can you not become even funnier, surrounded just by the power of osmosis with HOUSTON.
Congrats on making the decision on where to move. That is huge, especially considering you don't feel well. That has to suck for sure.
I hope the antibiotics do the trick and that your move is without mishaps!
When I started reading this I saw 'freelance illness' and laughed and laughed.
Um, ya. Get well soon.
Get back here already, woman! And yes, the economy IS better here. Just read any one of the the numerous reports out there that say so. :)
See you when you get here. Safe travels.
Wow, big things happening here since I last visited. I wish you all the luck in the world on your move. I've been battling the chest cold from hell as well. It had the audacity to make me sick over Christmas in Hawaii, the %$#&*(
Seriously - I wish you a happy, healthy move. Luckily, you get to take all of us with you!
Just making decisions is challenging when you are not feeling well. You need to make a living and if things are as tough in central Florida as you are observing right now then leaving would be a wise choice. Hope you feel so much better soon.
austin must be the it place to be : ) lol. another blogger i read moved there a few months ago as well.
writing for money has become a big joke i hate to say. those companies that are hiring writers liken the skill set to that of a trained monkey and are not willing to pay well. if i knew then what i know now i'd have gotten a business degree instead of a journalism degree.
i hope you shake that bug soon! moving is hard enough w/out being sick to boot!
Really? Really?
We'll be thrilled to have you back.
Just found your blog and I absolutely LOVE it! I'm new to this blogging thing but I will deff be following yours. Keep up the good work! :)
Yay for Texas...yeee haw!!!!!
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I just read a few of your pages and I like your style ;) Anyone whose family will all get a shave for a friend is alright by me. At least it is warm there in Texas ;) I was bald over winter here in Alberta - BRrr!
Good luck to Ruby and I hope you feel better soon and your move gives you what you need.
Sorry about Floriday, but yay for decisions and attitude. Best wishes for a smooth tranition, and a happy and prosperous new chapter in Austin. xx
oh i hope youa re feeling better! you will need your strength for the big move back to yahoo land (texas). lol
hope things will be good for you there!
You complete me, too, Stubbles.
And hey - could be worse. You could be stuck in Blow-Hio, I mean, Ohio with me!
Florida was lucky to have you as long as they did. I know, I lived there for a few years (2000-2006). They are some conservative folks.
Austin sounds nice. Although, I do not know how I will be able to make the excuse of "Hey, I'm driving by in a few hours. Keep your ears to the wind, I'll honk".... give me a bit, I'll come up with some reason to be passing through ;-)
Along with the antibiotics, I wish you two, brawny Jake Gyllenhaal look-alikes who happen to own a moving van and have plans to move to Austin.
Seriously, good luck. Moving is, without a doubt, the tenth circle of hell. And yay for Austin. We get you back.
But you were warm...forgive my boring comment, but your writing is always fantastic (obviously) and I'm cold, and you just came from Florida. And it's warm there...I'm rambling...
Now that song, and it's fabulous new lyrics, will occupy the rest of my day in the office :)
Good luck with the move.
I think you should have a book deal.
Then you can live wherever, and f*ck 'em and feed 'em catfish.
Faux news or not.'s hard to feel on top of the world when you feel like crap. Hope yo get some good drugs soon:)
I've also been sick off and on since Christmas, not a pretty or welcoming thing. Which, I'm sure, made your decisions all the more difficult but I'll bet you've made the right one 'cause you made it. Good luck in Austin, a cosmopolitan and not so conservative city.
Ugh, that crap held onto me for almost three weeks. I gave it to my honey and right now he's trying to give it back. I'm refusing his advances. LOL
Sorry you've been sick. The OC is very conservative too, surprisingly enough. I'm frowned upon on a regular basis and it DOES get old. Good luck with the move!
YAYYYYY! (I mean cause you're coming back to Austin, not that you're sick.)
Jennifer E.
Oh - back to Texas - hope you do better there.
Ack, who needs a hacking chest cough when there are things needing DONE, eh? Looks like a wise move from what you say. Here's to a bright new future, and an end to what's plaguing you (hugs).
Moving is awful, no matter the circumstances, but I totally hear you about how sometimes it has a fun part to it. . . and sometimes it does NOT.
I hope this move is good for you.
And feel better!
Oh, sweetheart, I know finding the energy to make the move was hard in the first place--doubly hard now that you're heading back...but still and yet, I feel like I need to shout with you that you're GOING HOME!!!! Good.
je suis nouveau ici j'aime vous lire ;)
je voulais vous remercier pour votre super site internet !
Bonne continuation
Nicolaseo, Rien de mieux que le referencement naturel.
I hear ya. Economics are not healthy here in RI, and trying to make any kind of change is like working your way out of a hermetically sealed box.
Austin will not only bring you closer to family, but, I'll bet, will open up all kinds of new doors for you. No more sealants.
Best of luck. ;)
I'm vagabondish myself, and enjoy hearing about your transistions :)
I wrote a post a few months back on the three different stages that my theatrical little life took place on... perhaps you could relate!
Also.. I grew up in Florida. I'm thankful for my permanently bronzed skin, also thankful the retirement home that employed me throughout high school (I've served many a glasses of milk beside dentures) and I'm happy my parents have a fabulous house on the water (and haven't given my room to the dogs yet), but that's about it :)
I've been to Central Florida--and I can honestly tell you it's worse here in Northwest Florida!
In fact, according to the "Pensacola News Journal" Escambia County is the most impoverished in this state!
And Christian extremists? Pensacola is crawling with them--so much so that the "Pensacola News Journal" labels this town the "Buckle of the Bible Belt"!
Good luck on the move back!
I too don't know how people can live and work in FL???? The economy is a bust. Crazy shit.
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