Y'all, I tweeted.
Wow, saying I tweeted is like admitting I farted. I always want to say, "Oops." Although, in real life, if I fart, I point to other people and say, "Dude!" It's a gift.
But this is not a post about flatulence (itself a ridiculous word). Rather, it's an announcement that the Invasion of the Tweeter Snatchers has occurred, and I am now a bona fide member of the most insidious time-sucking machine since Earth was invented. Yes, I realize that when I say Tweeter Snatcher, it sounds like my virginity was totally stripped from my body. Y'all, it was.
So I'm in it now, and already the learning curve for my Twitter notoriety is steeped in uncertainty. I don't understand such concepts as the @[Twitter User], the hashtag (#), mentions, the RT (retweets), and the "D". But I'm determined to figure it all out.
Because Suzy Soro told me to, I downloaded a primo Tweet Deck to keep all this networking stuff straight. So big thanks to Suzy at Hollywood: Where Hot Comes to Die and also Christine at That Gal Kiki (Christine McDonald) for getting me off to a good start by announcing to Tweeterville that Fragrant Liar has arrived.
If you are on Twitter, tweet me right and follow me! My handle is @FragrantLiar Since it's Follow Friday in Tweeterville (#FF), it's perfect timing. Or, click on my red Twitter birdie in the right-hand column to get me all a-twitter, eh?
And now for today's blast from the past, just because, the incomparable Electric Light Orchestra.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
Soooo, you've drunk the Kool-Aid, eh?
Sooner or later, Twitter gets everyone. Like the pod people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I have a love-hate thing with Twitter. Sometimes it's fun... and other times I regret I ever let it infiltrate my life.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go add you to my Twitter feed.
Watch your audience grow... :)
I rarely remember to tweet ..but I will tweet @you...
I always forget to tweet! In fact, I forget how to even get there. Ha!
If I do...I will follow you
I tweet only the titles to my posts. I barely have time for that. I guess it's time for me to check any messages and all that. I don't want to be a dead weight over there. But I'm not very active. I'll go over right now and follow you.
i used to tweet when i had a job (as part of the job) but as just me...i can't get into it. i don't use my cell for the internet so tweeting would involve being online at my computer all day. nah...i just can't get sucked in.
Oh,no.......I stay away from Twitter like it's the plague.
Not into twitter but will continue to enjoy your posts.
i blame the dog. for farts, not tweets... although if i started tweeting, i suppose i could blame him for the bad ones, too...
I'm on Twitter, too, but I don't know Jack about it. My handle is queen_o_the_mat and I'm now following you.
I have tweet deck too and some days I like it, some I don't. Welcome to the fold!
I tweeted a couple of times but I already have too many time wasters.
I am a hopeless twit(ter). My tweets are very few and far between. But since you played a song from one of my favorite bands in high school, I will make you my new best tweet-friend.
I, too, am perched on the edge of the Tweet. Lord help me. I don't wanna! But I would enjoy more than ten regular readers. So I suppose it must be done. Sigh.
I am avoiding Tweet like the clap. Serio - can't/won't do it. More power to ya
Gawd, I love me some ELO. LOVE THEM! Thanks for sharing, sista.
And you're on board with The Twat, huh? I just can't do it. I don't know where I'd find the time!
Here's the only warning The Midlife Gals have about Twitter...like those door-to-door Jehovites, there are groups that insinuate themselves into your list w/o your even knowing about it. And, then they do nothing but wish you well, copy affirmational quotes about following your bliss, then, we think they go slap their mammas!
We're keen on anything irreverent, and well, you fit the bill. Welcome to TwitterLand.
KK and SalGal
I tweet now and then. I go there more to read what others are saying than to add my own two cents though.
Dang! I am so jealous! I don't know what "tweets" are but I really so want one. I'm too old school to ever figure it out. I want to "twitter" too, but I don't understand it either.
I love Suzy. And welcome to twitter. I love twitter. I'm addicted - i've made some great "real life" friends there too. Now if I can go figure out how to follow you ...
ha! : )
Oh now you've gone and done it. I'm telling mom! "Maaaw'aaam!"
Don't expect me to do FF, MM or WW on Twitter. I don't follow the rules. I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that.
p.s. Blogging will bore you to death after a few months on Twitter!
Put a "follow me" button on your blog, too. I'll head over there right now. Welcome to the time-suck machine.
This is one phemomenon I feel no pull to join.
I ain't gonna tweet. Tweet.
My friend tried to get me into twitter. She seems to think my corny as hell one liners might be perfect. But, "Dude" I tells her, "I'm too freakin' lazy to do what I do now. I don't really need anything else that I DON'T do!"
Gotta love ELO :-)
Mmmm, ELO.
But no Twitter, I can't even stand to open FB any more.
But have fun! I did start tweeting after the election uprising in Iran to see what all the excitement and history was about.
Tweeter/Snatcher: could be a band name or a video game. I like it!
Welcome to the newbie Twit! heh.
I tweeted once.
p.s. In the words of the mighty ELO: BRUUUUUUUUUCE!
And so much has changed and so much to learn since I signed for Twitter in the early Twitter days. I don't tweet much anymore but I should. Welcome to the nest! It can bring you tons of blog followers, not that you need anymore, Ms. Popular! Miss you! (I haven't read blogs or been on FB at all ... so, so busy with shows and such!)
I am on Twitter, but not entirely sure why. The idea of being constrained to 140 characters is beyond me.
I'm happy you took the leap. I, myself, do not Twitter. I spend enough time just blogging and following everyone ELSE's blog!!
Okay, even though I also find twitter totally confusing Im adding and 'following' you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
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