2012 has begun, and I have failed to spout forth a resolution. I am the equivalent of an algebraic equation: unresolved. In my defense, I am not a fan of math—unless it's one plus one equals an incredible afternoon of delight.
While having lunch with my BFF—the absolute smartest person I know, besides me* (obviously), I enjoyed two epiphanies. Actually, I didn't enjoy them so much as I was unhinged by them. And since BFF also serves as my personal GPS (Global Perspective Sister), her trademark poignant line of questioning assured that I would locate my epiphanies somewhere over Pollo Enchiladas and Fish Tacos. When last we found me there, I was crying into a bottle of cerveza and pondering the mating habits of sand crabs, where I left my cover-up, and why zinc oxide can't just be clear.
Okay, so . . . Epiphany One. Apparently, a person can have a few too many loose ends in her life, and the preponderance of said loose ends can make a normally together person feel all sorts of unresolved and, well, icky. Math wiz that I am, the equation looks like this: Too many loose ends = too many variables = overwhelm = risk aversion = a disturbing bout of inertia. Sure, I oversimplified, but who can function with that kind of resistance?
Epiphany Two. My discombobulation, heretofore known as Epiphany One, is a major buzz kill equivalent to, say, a borborygmic pressure cooker. Yeah. Quiz later. Anywho, no avoiding it. Before you can make a resolution you'll keep, you have to be clear on your shit. You have to know what you can and can't live without, what you have control of and what you don't, what will make you the happiest, what you're willing to walk away from, and what will take care of itself. Plus, how many carbs are in a slice of margherita pizza—or the whole thing with maybe some pineapple. Or more precisely, would I benefit from a nice getaway in the sun, sand, and surf instead of thinking so hard? These are things I must get to the bottom of.
In summary, time to shore up my loose ends so I can really enjoy my next big adventure with a clear conscience, a joyful heart, and a renewed zest for life. Who knows, 2012 could be my best, brightest, biggest year ever. Maybe it will even be Apocalyptic. Hey, I think I'm having another epiphany.
* and HSM, but I'm not telling him that cuz, well, there are only so many kudos you can freely bestow upon a Hot Sexy Man before he reminds you about them, like when he posits how you can be Mensa material one minute and a laughable 12-year-old the next. Clearly, I'm not a 12-year-old (I know you are, but what am I?); I'm just flexible (that's what HE said!) on an intellectual level.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
6 days ago
How about a new rule that says whenever you have an epiphany, you get a beach vacation?
If must say something about my upbringing that when you write epiphany, I thank of candles and church services, in Latin.
If epiphanies equal beach vacation -- and seriously, I think Lisa's on to something here -- then I will be first amongst the introspective!
Mmmm ... on my way to some fish tacos in search of my own epiphany. Maybe I'll find a beach, too.
(Happy New Year, Ya'll, anyway!)
Pass the tequila, Honey. I need some epiphany experiences too. Just don't give me the worm.
You're definitely thinking too hard. Be sure and take Jose Cuervo to the beach with you. I've had many epiphanies in his company.
In the world of "Cause And Effect" relationships, I say go to the beach, have a blast, and have your reason for needing to go come to you while sitting and enjoying yourself!
Happy New Year!
Oh look the pretty picture starts with F for fragrant.
Oh wait that's an equation
Oh wait wtf is an equation....
I vote for the beach.
Can still hear Costa Rica calling my name.
tie those things up and get to the beach for sure...
lol eva...i know that one too...
beach. no better place to bury the loose ends.
eventually some old dude wearing socks and sandals, and carrying a metal-detector will find them and it will make his day.
Coupla barefoot walks in the sand always tighten up those loose ends. Or am I topically confused again?
Epiphanies, huh?
I had breakfast there once. Wait, that's just song. Nevermind.
I don't do resolutions because I know I won't keep them. That makes it a lie, and I hate lying to myself.
You and me both, sister. Cheers to new beginnings. xxoo
Epihanies are alomst always great things...I wish you all the best for 2012!! Big beautiful things! Big:)
Beach. Definitely the beach. Hope 2012 is a fantastic year for you! XOXO
I had two epiphanies on the beach once, but time and a little bleach took care of it.
I know what you mean about loose ends. Some are worth tying up, so you can move on. Some should just be let go - buried in sand sounds like a good way. Plowing through the list and deciding which is which is exhausting, so a vacation is definitely warranted. Resolutions can wait!
You must be a genius:
"Too many loose ends = too many variables = overwhelm = risk aversion = a disturbing bout of inertia"
It explains a lot! Thanks for the epiphany! And Happy New Year as well!
Beaches are good for sorting out epiphanies. :)
As for mine, I've decided to get rid of some terribly negative people in my life who constantly bring drama I don't have the energy to deal with and thus sap my peace. I need my brain power for my own drama. haha.
I'm keeping you, though. You are safe. :)
I love this post! And you! Happy 2012. This year is going to be awesome.
Resolutions? Loose ends? Beaches?
Lets just go to the beach.
Your equation resolves to:
z^x = 1
So x must equal 0 and z can equal anything you like.
Or you can cross your eyes and it says "U Suck".
Wishing you a wonderful 2012 Liar, with all loose ends tied up neatly and full sail ahead.
And I have not forgotten our idea of a bloggers get away on Oahu's North Shore. Am planning it as soon as we are done putting kids through college. Have been keeping my eyes open for a big ol' beach house.
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you lately that I love you?
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