If you haven't already heard, let me be the first to break it to you. Somebody in Conisbrough, South Yorkshire, England, a very long time ago named one of their streets Butt Hole Road. I kid you not. Cheeky, eh? According to Wikipedia, the name is thought to be referring to a container for holding water, a water butt. In the U.S., we call them rain barrels. Not nearly so funny. Why can't we be more like the Brits?
Apparently, families living on Butt Hole Road didn't think it was funny after facing problems getting their deliveries because the delivery companies thought it was a hoax. Being the butt of all the jokes isn't easy. Then those crazy tourists showed up, exposing themselves while standing next to the road sign -- totally tawdry and disgusting, wouldn't you agree?
And it was hard for the people who lived there to tell anyone their address. Can't you hear the conversations?
~ I live at 1313 buttholeroad.
So here's a picture of me back in 2003, in front of the Butt Hole Road sign. I'm sitting on the pavement, and, well, I'm naked. I'm not showing you the naked butt part. But this is truly a moment in time I'll never forget. And neither will the residents of Butt Hole Road. Right guys? Tell the truth. But don't tell my mum, eh?
~ I'm sorry, sir, can you spell that?
~ Do I have to?
~ Sir, do you want your package?
~ (sigh) B-U-T-T . . . H-O-L-E . . R-O-A-D.
~ BWAAAHHH-ha-ha-ha-ha!
~ (sigh)
Sorry, Robert Earl Keen, the road doesn't go on forever, and the party sometimes ends. Cuz the residents of Butt Hole Road got their wish and changed their street name to [ta da!] Archer Way, since it's just down the way from a 930-year-old castle.
I know!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
LOL!!! I can understand the name change!
How about putting that name on a college application!!
I don't live on Butt Hole Road...but I do live with a Butt Hole.
You could show me the most awesome house and if it's on a street with a weird name, I'm not buying it. Or moving there. Same goes for city names. It all has to meld together nicely or I'm staying put.
Are you saying Robert Earl Keen is a butthole liar?
I am crushed.
Hilarious! And I don't know why you didn't reveal all, girlfriend. You're beautiful, in 2003 and 2009!
Don't blame those residents one single bit although Archer Way is a drag. I LOVE the Brit humor...so dry!
Just send ME the rest of that picture...
Oh man, that would make real estate agents crazy!
And I love that you were naked BUT wearing your jewelry. That's a hoot.
Joanna Jenkins
can you imagine if there was alot of traffic, the traffic report would report a jam up on Butthole!
ROFLMAO! what the hell were they thinking???? lol
Well, good for them. I wouldn't want to live on Butt Hole Road either.
I just can't decide if I would want to have this on my return labels or not!
That is totally hilarious, and you are very pretty.
HMMMM Fragrant Liar? Naked? You do look lovely as a blonde, darling.
I love Karyn's (French Charming) reply.
Still giggling.
love the name! have you heard of Devil's Crotch? (Colorado, great ski resort- the mountain is steep as hell, no pun intended)
Reminds me of the town in Austria. Fucking, Austria. (They pronounce it "fooking" over there.) The town finally had to post a permanent concrete sign at its entrance because the ones on the posts were always getting stolen. I have the entire article on it and it's hilarious to read. The guy being interviewed in the article kept referring to the "Fucking sign" being stolen. Good stuff.
I'm dying to know, but scared to ask...why you were sitting naked...on the pavement...under a sign that says Butt Hole Road...and wearing what appears to be a rather formal looking necklace.
What's wrong with you Americans? Butt Hole Road is okay, isn't it?
Because we rarely used to call arses 'butts' over here, it probably never occurred to anyone that it was funny. Thanks to American influences, we may have to rename a few more places.
Yours sincerely
The Jules
Douche Lane
And ^5 for posing nude on Butt Hole Road
I probably would have mooned the camera myself ;)
I would be proud to give out an address on Butt Hole Road! Love it!
And I'm glad you were able to bask for a moment in your nakedness. How cool!
thanks for the insane laugh...
Location, location, location!
Yep, definitely a boring name now.
You are a gorgeous lady to boot!
Maybe they get naked Archers posing in front of their road sign now.
Of course you did! OF COURSE! Ha... too funny.
LOL Too funny!
I bet property value went way up when they changed to a boring name:)
Are you sitting on the pavement, or in a chair? For some reason I can't get past wondering about that, and if you had to sweep the area of twigs and gravel, or....
I wonder if residents had trouble selling their houses? Of course if naked women were always standing under their street sign, probably not.
I would be so proud to live on Butt Hole Way :D Archer's *yawn*
But the Butt Hole Road was so much more fun! Some people have no sense of humor.
I think the pearls are what makes it the best in that pic!!
I'm standing on butt hole Road - nakkid -- but I NOT be without my pearls.
well played
Ah phooey, I liked Butt Hole Rd much better!
Justine ;o )
*whistling looking at you*!!
sure you don't want to post the complete picture??!!
Butt Hole Road. With a tag of "Anal no more".
Why do I suddenly feel compelled to throw a hot dog down a hallway? (Think about that one for a minute....)
Next to the Vagina Valley and below Navel road...is a little arrow pointing North to "BOOBS or BUST" for the long distance drivers.
Yup, you cant get much worse than Butt Hole Road!
great post...but gotta love your commments!
lol, what can I say?
LOL! I love that you took that picture naked...what a great memory. I am sure you made their day...at least it should have...well, if I were to be wittness of something like that, it surely would, just for the laugh of it alone. Kudo's to you for being so free and courageous!
PS Thanks for stopping and checking up on me recently...it meant a lot to me. It's been many day's since I have been on the computor. I miss all of you wonderful people and writing myself....hopefully it will be in my favor to be back at it very soon! Hugs, Lori
That funny.
Can you imagine living next to a real jack a** on butt hole rd.
I know not original but funny.
Omg haha.. I just read Julie's blog for today (penis celebration) and then .. here's your blog, bwahahaha.. yikes. Just sayin' hahahahaha!
But think of it, you meet a guy and he wants to take you out, so he asks where you live, .. think there's any way he can forget that?
HA HA! I saw that in the news the other day. I would be changing the name too... who wants to live in Butt Hole Way eh? Imagine saying to a trespasser "Get out of our Butt Hole Way mate"!!!
I would totally get a kick out of saying I lived on Butthole Road. There is a "community" near here called Booger Holler.
I LOVE Robert Earl Keen!!
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