So this is Wicked Red Riding Hood and her Wolf.
Grrrrr . . .
Hope y'all had as much fun as we did, traipsing through the dark, on the hunt for tricks and treats . . .
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
So this is Wicked Red Riding Hood and her Wolf.
Grrrrr . . .
Hope y'all had as much fun as we did, traipsing through the dark, on the hunt for tricks and treats . . .
My, but your man is a handsome fellow! And you are one crazy-scary Red!
That is leg hair sticking out of the bottom of his pants, isn't it?? LMAO
We had fun, but not as much fun as you two. Wow looking spectacular there!
Wow! WILD thangs!!!
Love those hairy feet. And, look at you girl - all black leathered out!
Looks like most fun.
great costumes, and you look absolutely yummy! certain that the wolf felt the same way!
You guys look so good! How fun!
Wickedly hawt!! Love your "red gets even" twist!!
Looks like fun!
great costume there grrrrl! I bet that Mr. Fine burnt up wear all that fur!
You are a cute couple even in costume.
Good duo costume! You look fabulous!
You painted his toenails, didn't you. That's hot.
nice costumes!
Great costumes. You look like you are going to have fun and that you already have had fun!!!! I'm so glad for you.
How fun! And those are costumes that might be fun to ... play in a little later in the evening too! : )
Looking HAWT in your awesomeness
oooo you're sizzlin' hot, lady! y'all look great!! glad ya had fun :)
OMG, that bloody axe made me thing I was reading one of Otin's scary stories!
Oh if I were the big bad wolf, I would definitely.....Well you know the story! haha!
Awesome looking costumes!
Don't you just love putting on a black wig?
Thats a great shot of you two. Hehe. are those liquid leggings you're wearing?
Grrrrrrrow :)))
Yea baby. Rarrwl.
Come and enter my blog giveaway!!!
You look utterly fabulous.
Love RMxx
Wow! hairy feet and all.
Too much fun, I'd love to hang out with you.
lOL love it!!!!
you look hawt!
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