In keeping with Penis Week here at Fragrant Liar, let's talk about something equally racy . . . Weiner Fest!
Okay, not that kind of weiner. The Daschund kind. Scared ya, didn't I?
Last weekend, my little town was filled with dogs, mostly the short stubby kind. Over 600 weinerdogs were entered into the Weinerdog races at our County Fair. Miss America and I made a day of it, and I'm not sure there could have been a better date for me. We always have fun. Something about maturity levels, I think.
All kinds of dogs trotted around on leashes, some in trendy duds and at least one dyed pink. PINK! Poor baby. He was not saying much, and I'm sure it's because he figured if he didn't speak, everyone would think he was a she anyway. Unfortunately, the emcee broadcast it over the PA system. Nothing is sacred in a small town.
Then there was the food. Can't go to a county fair without going for the funnel cake. This one was gone in about ten seconds, into the mouth of a single person. Oh, that one person was so nauseous after that. She almost threw up. But then she watched a really cute guy down on the weinee track, and she felt much better.
Miss America and I wandered through the fairgrounds until we came upon this massive blue thing, a blow-up slide. This is what it looked like from this side. That's a long climb!
And this is what it looked like from the top, just before we zoomed down.
There's Miss America, zooming down by herself after insisting I go down with her half a dozen times first. After she rolled into the smooth stop at the bottom, in her five-year-old vernacular, she said, "That was freakin' cool!"
Oh, and here's a cute guy who had my full attention. My girlfriends, you can't tell in this picture, but he was luscious. Too bad, so sad, I think he's apparently already taken. She is probably the one who made him wear that psychedelic team t-shirt. But his butt looked great in those jeans.
Last but not least, the piece de resistance, Weinerdog video! Here's a sampling of the gazillions of weinee races. These little guys are competitive!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
I do love some weiners. And frankly, there is nothing better at fairs than the food.
How can they tell who wins? All those german dogs look alike...
Yea, that guy was cute. Loved the ... hat.
I want to go down that slide.
You Americans get up to some strange activities.
Holy shit dude! I just had a small heart attack!! I TOTALLY THOUGHT THAT WAS MY DAD!!!!
You really creeped me out there for a minute!
NO WAIT! I'm still creeped out - that LOOKS JUST LIKE MY DAD!
I'm telling my mommy!!
ok. I have calmed down now!
I, too, always think funnel cake is a great idea and then regret it within 2 minutes. I don't think there is anything actually made of FOOD in them. But they sure are yummy (at first).
I might have to google funnel cake because it does look good, to see what it is...
And the man in the pscychadelic t-shirt does look cute ...send him my way!
Boy those weinerdogs run fast! What fun! Bagman was going to comment more but has left early this morning to go shopping for tie dye t-shirts. The ones he had in his hippie days no longer fit.
Weiner dogs are cute and freaky all at the same time. The guy is nice looking, but you can do better than Michel's Dad. (ha, ha)
My stomach let out the loudest growl at that picture of the funnel cake. Oh, how I miss Texas fairs!
And you could not have gotten me on that slide for love or money.
Holy cow, those little wiener dogs are fast!!!!!! My sister has one who is a pain in the ass, but oh so cute!
This sounds like such a fun day to have. Food, slides, pups, and MEN!
Justine :o )
Funnel cakes, corn dogs, tilt-a-whirl...instant weight loss.
Nothing like wiener races. Mine do it in the living room almost every night. Race each other around the coffee table up and over the coach/loveseat/bounce back to the floor, zoom through the kitchen and back around to the living room (tackle each other), then repeat!
Wieners run like the wind. Nothing quite like a pack of wieners on the move!!
Have to work at getting past the idiot who dyed her dog any color!
Okay, I'm a bit more focused now. Funnel cakes are de bomb and I agree with Michel, no nutrional value at all, but they sure are good.
The slide. The first and only time I did that blow up slide thing scared me so bad, I almost attacked my child at the bottom who convinced me it wasn't the least bit scary! And I almost peed my pants!
Awe cute lil ones..
I am betting his jeans were Wranglers :-)
I love penis week.
Any chance of "Hairy Chest Week" soon?
There is nothing better than weiner dog races in Texas:)
I wish my town would have some sort of weinie fest.
I have been trying to convince all the women around me that this shuld be the "Week of the Penis", but all it has gotten me is the threat of a restraining order.
Dude . . . that was a rockin' slide.
There's only one kind of weiner I like, and it doesn't run fast and (thankfully) isn't covered in fur. However, it does like to stand at attention and salute.
To morethananelectrician: Keep trying. Eventually, they'll see the light. (Sorry, just a little electrical humor - my dad's an electrician, I can't help myself.)
The weiner dog that wins gets a funnel cake stand and the loser gets fur attachments so they look like a poodle?
That's some frisky little weenies!
The Blue RIdge Gal
Looks like the ultimate hoot!! With a wiener to boot!!
The cake looks like a dog turd. Is that the objective of it, with it being a doggy fest?
The pink dog is amazing. And I've never heard of funnel cake. Or weiners. Clearly, I've never lived life as it can be.
I'm lovin' that first pic and wanna cuddle him ...
Apparently you have weiners on the brain, my friend. LOL Looks like you two had fun and that pink male poodle is just wrong. wrong wrong wrong.
It sounds like you guys had a great adventure! :)
We had so much fun. And Miss America was saddened and pouty that she would have to wait for "25 days" for the next one to come around. Time is not her forte, for this is an annual event. And we will be there!
Weiner conjures up a seriously fun image...that doesn't include dogs.
Thank u :) look at this emo boy hair over this blog:
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