A few years ago, I was part of the coolest chain letter scheme ever. EVER!
The deal was this: when you received your chain letter, it contained a list of ten women, and you were to return the letter to the first person on the list. The kicker was that you returned it to this woman with the size and style of brand-spanking-new panties that she specified by her name. (Yes, not only was her name there, but the size of her butt -- in panty vernacular). Then you sent the letter to ten more people and added your name and panty preferences to the bottom of the list. The idea is that the next person to receive a letter with your name on the TOP of the list sends you some brand-spanking-new panties!
I hesitated for all of five seconds -- totally embarrassed, of course (eh, heh, heh -- I do crack myself up. Where-oh-where has my modesty gone? Mom, did I ever have modesty? Oh yeah, puberty). But off I went to the mall in search of size 8 cotton bikini undies. I bought a cute pair for about $10 and sent it to the lucky lady at the top of the list plus ten more letters to select recipients with my name at the bottom. If they each send it to ten women and then those women send it to another ten each, well, the possibilities are endless! I could get panties from Fiji!
So I waited. And waited. And waited. Until one evening after work, a puffy manila envelope sat on the kitchen counter waiting for me! That's weird, I thought, having nearly forgotten about my little foray into panty mail (no jokes about snail mail, please -- that's just rude). I opened my package and there they were: a lacy pair of pink thongs! I heard a choir of angels singing from on high. I squealed. Woo-hoo! I got undies in the mail! I held them up for everyone in my family and showed them off. Check these out! Somebody sent me underwear!
"Ew!" Was the reaction I got.
Me: What? They have the tags on! They've never been worn!
Them: Ew!
Me (twirling them in the air and singing): You're je-e-ealous, you're je-e-ealous. Cuz I got u-u-undies in the mailbox, and you didn't. And I'm taking 'em for a spin. And you're no-o-o-ot.
The next day, I told my coworkers. They shook their heads. "Underwear from strangers? That's just wrong," they said. And, "You're weird." But I would not be brought down to their level of cynicism. My panties were gifts from the universe. Or at least some woman who got that chain letter with my name at the top of the list.
And then something miraculous happened. I got another pair of brand-spanking-new panties in the mail. This time a stretchy gold lamé thong -- we're talking the Cadillac of lingerie. A few days later I got two packages, each with a sleek new thong. The following day I got a fifth pair. Soon I began running gleefully to the mailbox after work, eager for the day's sexy surprise. Over the next three weeks, I acquired about 14 new pairs of thongs from total strangers! It was like panties from Heaven. Blossoming in butt-floss, I supplanted my old raggedy panties with these lovelies. Not bad for my $10 investment, huh?
I was sad when it all came to an end. It was pathetic really. I'd be standing there, staring into an empty mailbox, whimpering, like a crackhead whose dealer had just croaked. Somebody broke the chain. Somebody let me down. Somebody thought it was icky and wouldn't play. If only I knew her name. I'd send her a letter -- and I'm not telling what I'd put in it.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
That is hilarious! I would love to get that kind of chain letter!
Man, you're so lucky! I've never been involved in a chain letter that somebody didn't break... before I got my goodies!
That was way cool that you go so many!
You have to get that chain letter going again. I'm thinking if you collect some names and addresses from your bloggy sisters, we could make this thing happen!
I totally want undies from Fiji.
That is hilarious how fun for you... I would never release my butt size LOL!
Blognut-dangit you beat me again...chit
youd send her some snail mail wouldn't you???
Oh, you are SO lying about this one!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it, even for a second!
Justine :o )
i LOVE this. played it with silly socks once, and used books another time. neither time did it pan out... i got one pair of socks and one book (a western... *shudder*).
All I can say is ewww, how do you know they didn't try them on before they sent them, ewww!! LOL
Good for you! Sounds like panty heaven! I've never participated in a chain letter - always figured they wouldn't pan out. Lucky for you, I was wrong!
I took part in the exact same chain letter some years ago, but I didn't get one stinkin pair of panties. I remember when chain letters like this were pretty common. I should probally shut up because that is like saying I am pretty old....lol.
Did anyone ask for granny panties? Then you could fold them and fold them and fold them before you put them in the envelope. :)
Can I have the list...maybe I'll start a chain letter to these ladies to have them send me their panties.
I wouldn't do such a thing, but, for the sake of humor...it needed to be said.
This looks to be the Ponzi Panty Scheme....or the Panty Ponzi Scheme. And for the person who "didn't get one stinkin pair of panties"; those are the kind you don't want.
Ok now that was a crazy story ...strangely I feel so drawn now to starting a chain letter!
I totally did the underwear chain letter a few years ago. I sent out really cute cotton Gap thongs, but sadly, I only got one pair back and I didn't really like them that much. I would have been stoked to get some Hanky Panky's like the picture. Oh well.
That honestly sounds like the best chain letter EVER! It would seriously be exciting. I think I might actually DO that (but not from here b/c i haven't really figured out how to mail yet - it involves walking to an annex, talking to a foreigner, you know...too much!)
I'm sorry your panty fountain ran out.
oh how awesome is that!! I think you should start it up again!
I've never taken part in chain letters because i naturally thought they just wouldn't work... :P
I've never heard of getting panties from strangers. Recipes, yes. Panties, wow!
Hee,hee,hee,hee, Snort! too funny!
Wonder how may pervs were in that chain?
My name is "Mrs" Irma Notaman and I'd like some unwashed undercrackers to the above address please.
SHAME ON the one who broke the panty chain!
I got that chain letter once and dutifully bought and sent a pair of panties..... and got NONE in return. Boohoo.
I think that's hilarious! Get it going again, I'm in!!!!!
hey - i think i was part of that chain... IN FACT, i think your name was at the top of my list. so, one of those panties MUST have been from me! but i never got nothin'... WTF?
we need a do-over.
OMG...too funny!! Thanks for the morning laugh!
I love it! I need some new sexy panties..hum.....
My panties were gifts from the universe.By FAR the best line I've come across in ages. And I'm so glad I'm not the only old bat who wears thongs. (Not that you're an old bat.) (You know what I mean.)
Funny post!
"It was like panties from Heaven. Blossoming in butt-floss, I supplanted my old raggedy panties with these lovelies."
Great post!
Maybe it was the panties that made it work. I've tried for socks...nothing, stickers for the kiddos...nothing, little hair clips...nothing. Aw man...What's up????
You must just be lucky
I am doing a paperback book letter right now....supposedly I will get 36 books back from this...yeah right. I don't think I would have put panty information on a piece of paper...nope...would not have happened. I am glad you got 14 pair though....that was a good deal.
How funny. Maybe it's the butt floss thing...panties from Heaven...I could totally do that chain letter.
I wish I had been part of that chain. I need underwear really really badly. Not sure about a thong, although I guess it would do in a pinch.
You get all the good stuff. I got a dish towel chain letter.
I wouldn't know how to start one of these, but it would be all kinds of fun, trust me on that. As Tom Erdman says, we could call it a Ponzi Panty Scheme. :) The problem with chain letters is that somebody inevitably breaks the chain and then somebody doesn't get her new underwear. Boo-hoo.
Foxy! I DID get panties from you! I don't remember what they looked like now (you've seen one, you've seen them all...) but I'm sure they were awesome!
Thongs from heaven....I saw that movie..isn't it the one starring Julia Roberts? I'm cracking up...or should that be buttcracking up...a panty chain letter...now I think I've heard everything!
lol, this is hysterical! i got a chain letter once but it was for dishtowels. sadly i didn't participate. now i'm thinking i need to start a chain letter!
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